Week 9

Keep working on your project. Today, some of you will likely finish the actual PowerPoint. Whenever that happens, go through your presentation with your partner and figure out who will talk about what. Also, it’s very likely you will want to write notes to look off of for your presentation.

If you finish your PowerPoint, save it in the following folder:

Student (I) Drive>Osborne>Your Hour>Asia PowerPoint

Week 8

Here the the directions to your Southeast Asia PowerPoint Assignment:   Southeast Asia Project

Here is the PowerPoint I went over today that gives you tips on what you should or shouldn’t have in your PowerPoint: PowerPoint Do’s and Don’ts

DON’T USE TOO MUCH TEXT ON YOUR SLIDES! Stay away from complete sentences. 

Remember, if you have text on your slides it should serve 1 of 2 purposes:

1. It’s important and you want it emphasized to your audience

2. You want it on there to help you remember to talk about it (You can have notes when you speak though too)

You will have the rest of the week to work on this. We will start presentations next Monday. I’m going to be more picky on grading your presentations. Make sure you follow the Do’s and Don’ts of PowerPoint to get the best score possible.

Week 8

I have a couple of PowerPoints that I’m going to go over with you.

The first one will show you the basics of China.

The second PowerPoint will be the Do’s and Don’ts of PowerPoint.

Whenever I am finished going over these PowerPoints, I’m hoping you will have a little bit of time to look over your project and get started.

Here the the directions to your Southeast Asia PowerPoint Assignment:  Southeast Asia Project

Here is the PowerPoint I went over today that gives you tips on what you should or shouldn’t have in your PowerPoint: PowerPoint Do’s and Don’ts

I’m going to be more picky on grading your presentations. Make sure you follow the Do’s and Don’ts of PowerPoint to get the best score possible.

Week 8

In our next assignment we are going to look at the economy of Southeast Asia. You will use Excel to complete the assignment.

If you don’t remember how to use Excel, you can watch the tutorial video that I made. Go to the  (V) Drive. Inside the V Drive, I want you to click the following: Osborne>Computer Tutorials>Semester 2 Excel Basics.

I want you to create a document that has:

1. 5  Headings- Countries$GDP, Life Expectancy, Literacy Rate, and Classification.    I want you to use size 20 font for the headings and make them bold.

2. In the countries column there are 15 countries I want you to include. They are: India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan.

3. In the $GDP column, you need to use this link to find the GDP per capita in each of the countries.  Type the GDP for each country in the column. Make sure you use dollar signs. If you want to you can do what I did in the video and highlight the column and change the numbers to currency instead of typing the $ sign. I want whole numbers. I don’t want your decimal point to show cents. Ex. $32,ooo       not   $32,000.oo

4. Use this link to find the life expectancy rates for each country. Round each number so there aren’t any decimal points. They should all be whole numbers.

5. Use this link to find the literacy rates for each country.Use the literacy rates for the total population.  Round each number so there aren’t any decimal points. They should all be whole numbers as a percent. Japan and South Korea aren’t listed on this website. Japan =99%  and South Korea =98%.

**To make it easy on yourselves, highlight the cells and format them as a percentage and 0 decimal places BEFORE you type the numbers in the cells for Literacy Rate. If you type the numbers first, you will have to manually go in and delete extra zeros from your cells**

6. For the Classification column, I want you to look at the data to determine whether you believe they are a developed, developing, or a middle income country. Write which one you believe each country is.

You can use this chart as a guide to help you determine the classification.





M – 70 and above

F – 80 and above

M – 60’s & 70’s

F – 70’s

M – below 60

F – below 70


Below 10

11 – 25

Above 25


97% or above

80% – 96%

Below 80%


Above $20,000

$8,000 – $19,999

Below $8,000


7. After each column is finished, make a 2-D Column Chart for GDP. You will do it the exact same way that I did in the video.

8. Make a 2-D Bar Graph for Life Expectancy. You will do it the exact same way that I did in the video.

After you finish save it.  hr-last name-last name-AsiaExcel

Turn it in

Week 8

Continue working on your assignment from Friday. Whenever you finish it, turn it in.

If you get finished early you may:

-Read a book

-Work on homework from another class

-Visit class links

Week 7

You will have about 10-15 minutes to finish missing assignments. If you have any assignments that you don’t think you’ll finish, make sure to save them to the Shared Student (I) Drive>Osborne>Your Hour folder so you both can access it. You have until next Friday to turn them in with no penalty.

After your time is up, I will put a new seating chart on the board. Don’t open or start the assignment below until you are sitting with your new partner. 

We are going to spend the next several weeks learning about Southeast Asia. Today you are going to complete this Southeast Asia Scavenger Hunt. Southeast Asia Scavenger Hunt

Whenever you finish, save it and turn it in.

hr-last name-last name-SEAsiaSH

Week 7

Today you are going to take your test over Africa. You will not be allowed to use the internet, previous assignments, or your study guide. You and your partner may discuss the answers, but you must whisper. If you are too loud, both you and your partner will take the test separately. This is the only test that you will be allowed to work with your partner.

You can access the test here. 

This is the same website you have used for your common assessment tests.

Your username is your first name, followed by your last name, and then 32

For example, mine would be: jacobosborne32

Your password is your Mosis #.

The “secret word” for this assignment will be given to you.

Whenever you finish the test today:

Finish and turn in your Africa map if you didn’t finish on Tuesday

Finish any other assignment that you haven’t finished from this rotation

After you turn in all of your missing work, you may:

-work on homework from another class

-read a book

-visit class links

Week 7

The counselor’s office has to collect data for the state. I have been asked to have you take a survey. Since there are 2 students for every computer, not every student needs to take the survey. Just one person per group needs to take the survey. It is pretty long. The link can be found here. 

Whenever you finish:

-Remember to study for tomorrow’s test

-Read a book

-Work on homework from another class

-Visit Class Links

If we have enough time after everyone finishes, we will go back up to our classroom.

Week 7

Everyone will go ahead and do this assignment today. This assignment will require you to read and follow directions very carefully! You are going to be creating a map by using the tools in Word.

You need to watch a video first. The video you need to watch is located at    Video (V) Drive>Osborne>Computer Tutorials>Inserting Shapes to Word   (Note: It’s NOT the video titled, “Copying and Adding Shapes in Word”)

While you work, it would be a good idea to have your study guide out so you can double check to make sure that your map is correct.

Here are the directions for the assignment. Make sure you read them closely and double check them to make sure you don’t skip any steps.  Africa Map Directions

Here is the Map you will use for your assignment:  Africa Map

Whenever you are finished, save and turn it in.

Hr-Last Name- Last Name-Africa Map