Week 7

Continue working on the project.

One thing I’ve noticed on several student’s storyboard is you’re putting several pictures on each slide. That’s not how it should be. Yours should look like the example. If you still haven’t looked at the example, look at it now Students I Drive>Osborne>Storyboard Example. You should have 1 picture along with your text for that slide. Your text comes directly off of your Rough Draft (step #1).

Whenever you finish your storyboard you should have at least 17 slides:  1 slide for your name, hour, and country, 1 slide for your picture of the map you created, and then 15 slides for the required artifacts. If you want to include more than 1 picture for an artifact, you may, but that means your storyboard will be longer than 17 slides.

Week 7

Smarter Balance testing is throwing us off a little bit. Then we have an early-out day on Wednesday. Because of these disruptions, I will likely extend the due date on the assignment to Friday. We will start presentations on Friday.

We will keep the original plans for 3rd hour. You will start your presentations on Thursday. We are having a Pride Event during 3rd hour on Friday. 


Week 6

Today you should finish Step #3, which is your storyboard. We’re using PowerPoint for your storyboard. You won’t be presenting this PowerPoint, but you will turn it in. The reason why you need to create a storyboard is because is it’s part of the planning process. This makes step #4 very easy. When you finish your storyboard PowerPoint, I want you to save them in Student (I) Drive>Osborne>Your Hour>Europe PowerPoint.

Make sure you look at the example storyboard. Directions on where you can find it are on the directions for the project. On this PowerPoint, you are going to treat every slide like a scene from your commercial. You will insert the picture and write the script on the slide exactly how it will be seen on the commercial.

hr-last name-last name-(Name of your Country)

Don’t send me the file, just save it to the correct folder listed above. 

Week 6

Continue working on your project. By now you should be finished with your written rough draft. You should be on Step #2 which is creating the map. If you aren’t finished with step #2 yet, you should probably finish it today and move onto step #3 which is your storyboard. You will use PowerPoint for your storyboard.

Digital Camera Instructions:

1. Press the Power Button on the top.

2. Press and hold the Silver Circle on top to the camera to take a picture. You can zoom in and out with the long black button above “menu” and “s.night”, but you probably won’t need to use this.

3. After you take the picture, leave the camera on and use the cord from the pouch to connect the camera to your computer.

4. A box should pop up on your screen asking you if you want to open files. If this box doesn’t pop up, click on “computer” on your desktop. Click on the (E) Drive which is a removable disc.

5. Click the DCIM Folder>Click the 100 Photo Folder>Scroll to the very bottom and double click on your photo.

6. Whenever the new box with your picture pops up, click FILE and “Make a Copy”.

7. Click on your H Drive and name the Picture the same name as your island and click “SAVE”

Week 6

Continue working on your Europe Commercial project. Today you need to continue working on your rough drafts.

A few reminders from yesterday:

-Remember that this is supposed to be a travel commercial. Select information about your country that a tourist would want to know and information that would make a tourist want to come to your country.

-Do everything in order that the project shows you. Everything builds on each other. Don’t go out of order!

After you finish your rough draft and finding all of your pictures on the internet and saving them to your H drive, you are ready for step #2. You can get a plain, white sheet of paper off of the desk at the front of the room (next to the book shelf). You can also borrow colored pencils if you need them. You may sharpen them in the pencil sharpener.

Even though I’m not here today, the substitute teacher is aware of the work points. If you are off task, she will leave your name and you will lose points on the project. Make sure you stay on task.

Week 6

***First an announcement***

Grab a class schedule off of the desk, at the front of the room (next to the book shelf). These are due back to the counselor’s office by Friday. These do not guarantee you certain classes, but they try to get everyone the classes they want as much as they can.

-Make sure you use your legal first name. No nicknames.

-Fill in you DOB (Date of Birth)

-Get it signed by your parents

-Turn it into the counselor’s office by Friday

If you don’t bring it back, you will be given random classes based on what fits your schedule. They will have no way of knowing what you like/don’t like.

Look at the example picture that shows you how to correctly fill out the form:



Today we are going to start a large project that we will be working on into next week. we likely will start presentations next Thursday. That means you will have 7 class periods to work on this project. I am expecting very high quality work on all of your steps of the project.

You and your partner decided to enter a contest to create a commercial for a travel company that specializes on European vacations.

The directions for the assignment can be downloaded here:  Europe Project Directions  Read all of the directions. Make sure you scroll to the bottom of the document to see examples. 

Read all of the steps and look over the scoring guide before starting the assignment. Notice that it is worth 140 points and you are trying to earn 25 points through on-task behavior. Anytime you are not working or you are turned around in your chair, I will let you know that points are being taken off of your score.

There are 4 steps to this project. Make sure you follow them. Do everything in order that the project shows you. Everything builds on each other. Don’t go out of order!

1. Planning (Create a rough draft on paper. Find all of your pictures and save them to your H Drive)

2. Create a map on a plain, white sheet of paper.

3. Create a storyboard (Use PowerPoint for this. All of your pictures and all of your text should be placed in your storyboard)

4. Create your commercial in Movie Maker (You can watch a Movie Maker Tutorial video at  C Drive>Osborne>Computer Tutorials>Movie Maker Basics

Remember that this is supposed to be a travel commercial. Select information about your country that a tourist would want to know and information that would make a tourist want to come to your country. 

Week 6

Today you should finish the European Scavenger Hunt from Friday.

Tomorrow we are going to start a project that will take over a week to finish.

***Note*** On #17, if you don’t know what the autobahn is, research it. You can’t just get your answer from the video if you don’t know a little bit about the autobahn.

Week 5

Today is your first day with your new partner, but it is your final time with Mr. America. I know that your completely torn up about that. Since there is so much for Mr. America to see in Europe, this assignment will likely take you 2 class periods. On Tuesday of next week, we are going to start a project in Movie Maker.

Here is the European Scavenger Hunt:   Europe Scavenger Hunt

Whenever you finish, save it and turn it in.

hr-last name-last name-EuropeSH

Week 5

I likely will have all classes except 5th and 6th only 1 time between today and tomorrow. Today is a make up day for you. All assignments over Australia and the Europe map need to be turned in. Friday we are getting new partners. 3rd hour, you need to look at yesterday’s assignment over the map of Europe. You are responsible for finishing that assignment.

I will have 5th and 6th hour in class both days. Today will be a makeup day and Thursday we will do something else.

If you have all of your assignments finished and turned in, you are going to watch a video that shows you what the Australian Outback is really like. The conditions are pretty harsh. The guide of the show frequently talks about the Aborigines and shows you different techniques they used to survive in the Outback. To access the video:  C Drive>Osborne>Australia>MvsWAustralia

Don’t watch the video unless you have all of your assignments finished and turned in. If you are still missing an assignment by next Thursday, you will receive a ZAP.


Week 5

The next part of the world that we are going to study is Europe. We will be learning about Europe the rest of the school year.

Today, I want you to create a map. Here are the directions for the assignment:  Map Directions

Here is the blank map that you need to use for the assignment:  Blank Europe Map

Whenever you finish, save it and turn it in.

hr-last name-last name-Europe Map