Week 6

Africa Test

Today you are going to take your test over Africa.

You can access the test here. 

Your username is your first name, your last name, 306     There are no commas and no spaces. For example, my username would be:  jacobosborne306

Yours should look exactly like that except you will insert your first and last name instead of mine.

You must use your official school name. For example, if your name is William, but you go by Will, you must use your proper name William.

If you have 2 last names make sure you use both last names on your log-in. For example: If your name is Jose Reyes-Lopez, you would need to put josereyeslopez306.

If your username isn’t working, you can double check it on this document: 2021 Spring Usernames

Your password is your Mosis #.

The secret word today is:   africat

Whenever you finish your test press “Submit”. You don’t have to tell me or show me your score. I have access to all of the scores.

After the Test

I still have several groups that never turned in their Africa Projects that were worth 60 points. I also have some groups that need to turn in their Africa Maps. Make sure you have those finished.

Week 6


I have a couple of PowerPoints that I’m going to go over with you. The first one is about China. The second PowerPoint is about the Do’s and Don’ts of PowerPoint.
Whenever I am finished going over these PowerPoints, I’m hoping you will have a little bit of time to look over your project and get started.

Southeast Asia Google Slides Project

Here the the directions to your Southeast Asia PowerPoint Assignment:  Southeast Asia Project

Here is the PowerPoint I went over today that gives you tips on what you should or shouldn’t have in your PowerPoint: PowerPoint Do’s and Don’ts

I’m going to be more picky on grading your presentations. Make sure you follow the Do’s and Don’ts of PowerPoint to get the best score possible.

You will create a Google Slides presentation and whenever you are finished, you will turn it into Google Classroom.

Week 6

Catch Up Day

Today is your last work day with this current partner. You need to finish all assignments/projects today.

Study Guide

If you have all of your assignments finished, you are going to work on a study guide for Thursday’s test. You need to pick up a study guide off of the desk in the back of the room. Everyone needs their own copy of the study guide. You can use the internet or previous assignments to answer the questions on the study guide. This is not for a grade. It is only to prepare you for Thursday’s test. If you know what’s on the study guide, you will do well on the test.

If you have trouble finding some of the answers to the T/F questions here is a key to the worksheet you did on African Misconceptions: Misconceptions Key

If you are absent and checking my website, you can get the study guide here: AFRICA STUDY GUIDE

Test Friday

The Lab was booked for tomorrow so we are taking a test on Friday. Everyone will take it by themselves and it is worth 50 points.

On Friday, we will meet next door, in Lab 149, to take the test.


Week 6


I’m gone today, but will be back tomorrow. We have a new assignment posted on Google Classroom.

If you are interested in signing up for track, click on the link below.

Africa Scavenger Hunt

Mr. America is back! He is now wanting to take a trip to Africa. To access the assignment, go to Google Classroom and click on the Africa Scavenger Hunt.

Reminder! This is a great opportunity for you to practice your Google skills. Don’t type out the entire question. Only type key words. Your results will be more accurate and you will be able to finish quicker.


If you are interested in signing up for track, click this link.

Rest of the Week Schedule

Tuesday-Catch Up Day

Wednesday- Study Guide for Africa Test (can work on missing work if you need to)

Thursday- Africa Test

Friday- New Partners and begin Southeast Asia

Week 6

Africa Project

I’m hoping that most of you will finish your projects today. If you don’t get it done, you will have to finish on our Catch Up Day. Our next day of school we are going to move on to something new.

Week 5

Africa Project

Today you will continue working on the project. Make sure you are finding good facts about your topics and interesting facts that are actually interesting. I will be grading pictures on effort. If I can tell you worked hard on it, you will get a good grade for it. If it looks like you just flew through it, you’ll be losing some points.

Week 5

Africa Project

Continue working on the Africa project.

You must select the items you are researching from a list in the directions! You have to select one item from each of the four categories: Landform, Landmark, Person, and Animal. The lists are found on page 2 of the directions.

I know that you will want to create your pictures first, but I don’t want to see you spend so much time on your pictures that you run out of time to find the information that you need. So make sure that you get your research taken care of.

Also, the picture on your title slide can come from the internet. Make sure you link it to my website though. You will create all of the other pictures in paint.

Tutorial Videos

You will also need to watch 2 videos for this assignment.

The videos cover adding links in Google Slides and The Basics of Paint. You can watch them both at Google Classroom.

How to Access Paint

Some of you might start creating your pictures in paint. You will be graded on effort with your pictures. If you quickly throw it together; that’s obvious. You will lose points. If I feel it looks like you put effort into the picture; you will earn your points.

You will also be using Paint for this assignment. You can access Paint by clicking in the search box at the bottom, left-hand side of the screen and type “paint”. The one you need to use will say Paint Desktop App.

Remember, there is a tutorial video that shows you how to use paint. You can watch it at Google Classroom.

Week 5

First Thing

You will have some more time to work on the Africa Map, but first I want you to do this. Go to Google Classroom and open the Africa Misconceptions assignment. Go through and answer the questions without using the internet. This is not for a grade. We will discuss the correct answers in just a couple of minutes.

Click on this link to read what a misconception is.

After Africa Misconceptions

After we finish the discussion over Africa Misconceptions, you need to try to get the Africa Map finished.

Africa Project

Towards the end of the hour we are going to start a project that will probably last  4-5 class periods. You will have a little bit of freedom for selecting your topics for this assignment. You are going to use Google Slides to create a “digital book”. You will also be using Paint for this assignment. You can access Paint by clicking in the search box at the bottom, left-hand side of the screen and type “paint”. The one you need to use will say Paint Desktop App.

Download this document so you can read the directions:   Africa Project

Tutorial Videos

You will also need to watch 2 videos for this assignment. They both can be found in Google Classroom.

Today’s Tasks

-Pick out all of your topics

-Start your research