Week 2

Continue working on your PowerPoint. It looked like enough of you are getting far enough along that tomorrow will likely be your final day to work on this assignment and we’ll start presentations on Friday.

If you are able to get it finished today, I don’t want you to turn it in the normal way. I want you to save it to   Student (I) Drive>Osborne>Your Hr>State PowerPoint

Week 2

Extra Credit Opportunity! I had several students not prepare for the states and capitals test like they should have. This extra credit opportunity won’t make up for your poor test grade, but it will help it some. It doesn’t matter if you received an A or an F, you are allowed to do the extra credit opportunity.

Your assignment is:

1. On a blank sheet of paper number 1-50.

2. List the 50 states

3. Next to each state write the capital

4. Next to each capital write the postal abbreviation for that state

You won’t receive any class time to do this. This is due on Wednesday. If you do this assignment you will recieve 10 extra credit points. It must be correctly and completely finished to get the extra credit points.

Also, if you didn’t finish an assignment that was due last Friday, you have until Thursday to turn it in or you’ll recieve a ZAP.

This week will be researching a specific state and then we’ll create a PowerPoint presentation. I’m going to show you the “Do’s and Don’ts of PowerPoint”.

We’ve used PowerPoint before, but if you don’t remember how to use it you can watch a short video that shows you the basics. Go to the Video (V) Drive. Open the Osborne folder. Click on the “Computer Tutorials” folder. Open the “PowerPoint Basics” video.

You are going to research a state and create a PowerPoint about it. Here are your directions: US States Project

You may use the internet to find information and pictures about your state. Below are a couple of resources that will guide you to the information you need.

This website is a great resource that our school has access to. On the left hand side of the screen click on “America the Beautiful” then click on the state you are researching. The lefthand side of the screen has different topics about your state that you can explore.

Here’s another link that might give you some information about your state. 

You can also access World Book Online here. You need a username and password for this one. You can get that info off of the board. This is a great resource.

If you want to see the “Do’s and Don’ts PowerPoint” you can access it here: PowerPoint Do’s and Don’ts

You will have 4 classes to work on this assignment, but Thursday is an early out day.

Save it as:

hr-last name-last name-the name of your state

Week 1

Today we are taking our states and capitals test.

Your username is your first name, your last name, 373     There are no commas and no spaces. For example, my username would be:  jacobosborne373

Yours should look exactly like that except you will insert your first and last name instead of mine.

Your password is your Mosis #.

Here is a link to the test.

I will give you the secret word.

Whenever you finish your test you don’t have to tell me or show me your score. I have access to all of the scores.

After you submit your test you may:

1. Read a book

2. Work on homework

3. Visit class links

Week 1

The State, Capital, and Postal Abbreviation test is tomorrow! Tomorrow is also a short day. That means if you show up and don’t know the states and capitals, it’ll be hard for you to finish the test in the allotted time. Tomorrow’s class will be held in the Media Center. 

Today is a catch up day. Tomorrow you will work by yourself and on Monday we are getting new partners. Finish all missing assignments. I will announce what’s missing at the beginning of each hour. After all of your assignments are turned in you should:

Study for the test.

You can use this new link.  This is a great resource for learning what the capital of each state is.

You can do the quia.com practice quiz as many times as you want.

Your username is your first name, your last name, 373     There are no commas and no spaces. For example, my username would be:  jacobosborne373

Yours should look exactly like that except you will insert your first and last name instead of mine.

Your password is your Mosis #.

The practice quiz you took can be accessed here. The “secret word” is:  practice

You can access a new practice quiz here. The “secret word” is:  practice2

You can practice identifying states on a map at this link.

There’s a fun states and capital video you can watch at:  Video (V) Drive>Osborne>United States>Wakko’s America States and Capitals Song

After you feel confident in getting a good grade on the test you may:

-Work on homework from another class

-Read a book

-Visit class links

Week 1

Turn in any assignment that you finished yesterday. 

Some of you already finished this assignment yesterday. For everyone else,  you are going to identify US landforms. You need to download this document:  US Map

You need to insert a text box to label the places on the map. Your text box shouldn’t have any lines around it and its “fill” color should be “no color”. If you don’t remember how to do this you can rewatch the video from earlier this year at    Folders>Video (V) Drive>Osborne>Computer Tutorials>Insert Text Box and Shapes in Word 1st Sem

The locations that need to be on your map are:

Each of the 5 Great Lakes

Pacific Ocean

Atlantic Ocean

Gulf of Mexico

Mississippi River

Missouri River

Rio Grande

Rocky Mountains

Appalachian Mountains

Save it as:

hr-last name-last name-USmap2

After you finish your map, you have a few options. The State, Capital, and Postal Abbreviation test is on Thursday! Thursday is a short day. That means if you show up and don’t know the states and capitals, it’ll be hard for you to finish the test in the allotted time.

1. Study for the test.

You can use this new link.  This is a great resource for learning what the capital of each state is.

You can do the quia.com practice quiz as many times as you want.

Your username is your first name, your last name, 373     There are no commas and no spaces. For example, my username would be:  jacobosborne373

Yours should look exactly like that except you will insert your first and last name instead of mine.

Your password is your Mosis #.

The practice quiz you took can be accessed here. The “secret word” is:  practice

You can access a new practice quiz here. The “secret word” is:  practice2

You can practice identifying states on a map at this link.

After you feel confident in getting a good grade on the test you may:

-Work on homework from another class

-Read a book

-Visit class links

Week 1

Since I’m not here today, save all of your documents and you can turn them in tomorrow. Make sure that you are on your very best behavior today! If your name is left behind due to poor behavior, you can likely expect a referral whenever I return. 

We will spend a couple of days learning about the different regions of the US. The United States can be grouped into 4 distinct regions. Each region has their own geographical and cultural characteristics that make them different from the other regions.

You need to read this digital PowerPoint book:  US Regions PowerPoint Book

After you read the PowerPoint book, you need to complete this US Regions comparison chart:  US Regions Comparison Chart  Since this is a graphic organizer that is meant to show a comparison, you don’t need to write in a complete sentence. Use a different color font for each region. 

You should save it as:

hr-last name-last name-UScompare

Once you finish this assignment there is a new assignment you need to work on. It shouldn’t take you too long. You need to download this document:  US Map

You need to insert a text box to label the places on the map. Your text box shouldn’t have any lines around it and its “fill” color should be “no color”. If you don’t remember how to do this you can rewatch the video from earlier this year at    Folders>Video (V) Drive>Osborne>Computer Tutorials>Insert Text Box and Shapes in Wod 1st Sem

The locations that need to be on your map are:

Each of the 5 Great Lakes

Pacific Ocean

Atlantic Ocean

Gulf of Mexico

Mississippi River

Missouri River

Rio Grande

Rocky Mountains

Appalachian Mountains

Save it as:

hr-last name-last name-USmap2


If you finish both assignments, you need to study for your states and capitals test. The test is on Thursday! You can use previous links to study or you can use your planner. You can also use this new link. 

Week 9

If you didn’t finish the US Scavenger Hunt from yesterday, you need to finish that first.

Those of you who already turned that in will move onto a new assignment. We will spend a couple of days learning about the different regions of the US. The United States can be grouped into 4 distinct regions. Each region has their own geographical and cultural characteristics that make them different from the other regions.

You need to read this digital PowerPoint book:  US Regions PowerPoint Book

After you read the PowerPoint book, you need to complete this US Regions comparison chart:  US Regions Comparison Chart  Since this is a graphic organizer that is meant to show a comparison, you don’t need to write in a complete sentence. Use a different color font for each region. 

You should save it as:

hr-last name-last name-UScompare

Week 9

Today is the 1st day of 2nd quarter. That means a lot of things. ZAPs and tardies reset in all of your classes, so you now have a fresh slate. That also means that you are halfway done with this class.

Today you need to finish yesterday’s assignment. Turn it in whenever you are finished.

After you turn it in, you may:

-Study for your states and capitals test. It is next Thursday! Next Thursday is an early out day so you will have about 25 minutes to take the 50 question test. The practice quiz was 25 questions and most of you finished that in under 10 minutes so you should be fine. On the test you will have 3 sections:

1. Match the state to the capital

2. Match the state with the postal abbreviation

3. Identify states on a map

Practice Activities for the test:

You can do the quia.com practice quiz as many times as you want.

Your username is your first name, your last name, 373     There are no commas and no spaces. For example, my username would be:  jacobosborne373

Yours should look exactly like that except you will insert your first and last name instead of mine.

Your password is your Mosis #.

The practice quiz you took can be accessed here. The “secret word” is:  practice

You can access a new practice quiz here. The “secret word” is:  practice2

You can practice identifying states on a map at this link.

After you feel confident in getting a good grade on the test you may:

-Work on homework from another class

-Read a book

-Visit class links

Week 9

Mr. America

Mr. America is back! Today you are going to take Mr. America across the entire United States while you visit important

landforms along the way. Read and follow the directions for: US Scavenger Hunt

On fill-in-the-blank questions you only need to write the answers. All other questions need to be answered in complete sentences. Make sure you restate the question. 

When you finish, make sure you turn it in.

You will name it: hr-last name-last name-USmap