Tag Archives: Google Earth

Week 7

Break from Project

Since I’m not here today, I thought it would work best to take a break from the project. So today I have a different assignment that I want you to work on.

Google Earth

Most of you have used Google Earth before, but there’s some tools that it has available that you might not be aware of. The first thing you need to do today is watch this tutorial video that shows you some of the basics of Google Earth: Google Drive Drive>Team Drive>Osborne>Computer Tutorials>Basics of Google Earth

After you watch the video, you need to complete this assignment: Google Earth Scavenger Hunt

Whenever you are finished save it as:

hr-last name-last name-GoogleEarth

When Finished

Whenever you are finished you may:

  1. Work on homework from other classes
  2. Read a Book
  3. Visit Class Links/Google Earth