Week 2

The counselors are going to come and talk to us today for the first 10-15 minutes of class.

After the counselors leave, very few students finished the Absolute and Relative Location Assignment. I will give you some time to finish that up.

If you get it done, make sure that you have the Core Concepts Section 1 assignment finished and turned in.

If you have everything finished and turn in, you may:

-Read a book

-Works on homework from another class

-Visit Class Links/Google Earth

Week 2

Continue working on the assignment from yesterday. You should finish it today.

Whenever you save it, make sure it’s in your H Drive (MOSIS number) and in this format:

hr-last name-last name-Concepts

After you save, turn it in.

I will give you about 15-20 minutes to finish the Concepts assignment. After that, I will have you start working on the next assignment.

Today’s lesson focuses on Absolute and Relative Location. This isn’t a difficult concept, but you do have to pay attention for closely to the details. You need to click on this link and go through all of the pages on this website. It’s an interactive website that talks about maps, hemispheres, and absolute location.

I think the website has a lot of good information, but it doesn’t really teach you about Relative Location. Relative Location is a place’s location in relation to another location. You don’t use degrees whenever you find Relative Location. 

For example: 

Mexico is south of the United States.

Joplin is west of Carthage. 

If you notice, there are 2 locations given in both examples and a direction is also given. That’s how Relative Location should always look. There are usually several different answers that could work for Relative Location.

After you go through all of the slides on the website above, you need to download and complete this assignment:  Absolute and Relative Location   

To type the °symbol, press and hold “alt” on your keyboard, then type 248 using the number keys on the right hand side of your keyboard.

Whenever you finish, save it and turn it in.

hr-last name-last name-location

Week 2

If you didn’t ever turn your Google Search assignment in last week, go ahead and do that first. Remember, you aren’t being graded on your answers. I’m just grading you on whether you turn it in or not.

So far we’ve learned how to properly save, how to turn in assignments, and how to properly search using Google. Before we can start talking about specific places, I need to be sure that everyone is familiar with some basic geographic concepts. Over the next few days we are going to cover section 1 from the textbook so we can make sure that everyone in class understands some of the core basics that we will use the entire semester.

You will use the textbook.  You can either grab a green textbook off of the shelf or you can use the online version. You can access the online version in my class links section. You need to download the assignment here:   Core Concepts Part 1

Read and follow the directions. Make sure you use a different colored font for your answers and you answer all of your questions using complete sentences.

You likely won’t finish the assignment today.  You will have tomorrow to finish this as well. Whenever you save it, make sure it’s in your H Drive (MOSIS number) and in this format:

hr-last name-last name-Concepts

If you are able to get it finished, turn it in after you save it.

Week 1

Today we are going to go to the Media Center to take a Maps, Charts, and Graphs Pretest. This test has examples of maps, charts, and graphs that we will be learning about in class this school year. Today is a pretest to see how much you already know about them. We will take this same test again at the end of the semester to see how much knowledge you gain over the course of the semester.

Your username is your first name, your last name, 756     There are no commas and no spaces. For example, my username would be:  jacobosborne756

Yours should look exactly like that except you will insert your first and last name instead of mine.

You must use your official school name. For example, if your name is William, but you go by Will, you must use your proper name William.

If you have 2 last names make sure you use both last names on your log-in. For example: If your name is Jose Reyes-Lopez, you would need to put josereyeslopez.

Your password is your Mosis #.

After you log-in, it will ask you for a secret word. The secret word is:   pretest

Here is a link to the test.

Whenever you finish your test press “Submit”. You don’t have to tell me or show me your score. I have access to all of the scores.

After you submit your test you may:

1. Read a book

2. Work on homework

3. Visit class links

Week 1

I will give you about 15 minutes to finish your Google Search assignment. When you are ready to turn it in, make sure you watch the tutorial video that shows you how. If you don’t remember how to access videos: Open up your Folders (bottom left hand corner of your screen). Then click “Computer” on the left hand side. Then go to Video (V) Drive>Osborne>Computer Tutorials>Saving and Turning in

After 15 minutes we are going to talk about this assignment as a class.

The last thing we are going to do today is look at our finalized version of Classroom Partnering Norms that you came up with. I wrote each class’s suggestions down and then I eliminated repeated suggestions. Some of the suggestions were able to be combined or they were very similar to other suggestions. Ultimately, I was able to create this finalized list:  2016 Fall Norms  I placed a copy of them in the Parent Info section of my website.

Week 1

You need to open your Google Search questions from yesterday. I will give you the whole hour to finish this. Tomorrow we will go over them as a class and I will give you tips on how to more effectively use Google.

To open your document from yesterday you can either open Word (Then click “File” and “Open”) or you can click your Folders Icon in the bottom left hand corner of your screen. Click “Computers”>Click on your H Drive>Open your Geography folder that you created yesterday>Double click on your document

Whenever you finish this assignment and you are ready to turn it in, you need to watch a tutorial video that will teach you how to turn it in. To access the video, you need to open up your folder>Video (V) Drive>Osborne>Computer Tutorials>Saving and turning in.

If you are able to get it done, you have 3 things that you are always allowed to do during free time:

-Read a book

-Work on homework from another class

-Visit Class Links/Google Earth

Week 1

Today we will be going over classroom rules and procedures. Everybody needs a copy of both handouts that are on the front desk (by the bookshelf). I will go over this with you after I take attendance.

After we go over those, you need to work on the Google Search assignment. You can access it here:  Google Search   You will have the rest of the class period today and some time tomorrow. Then we will go over it together as a class and I will give tips on how to be more effective using Google. I will not help you with answers because I want to see if you can find them yourself. Tomorrow you will also learn how to turn in assignments. You will need to have headphones for this.

Save it as:

hr-last name-last name-Google

Week 1

I will give you about 15-20 minutes to finish your presentations. If you finish early, you may visit my Class Links.

After the time is up, you will present the information about your partner to the class so you can introduce them to us.

Day 2

I still need to go over my website or a few more parts of it with almost all of my classes. Then I have a few things to show you with the network and some issues/problems pop up from time to time in here.

After we discuss those things, instead of going over classroom rules and procedures, we will save those for next week. The first thing we are going to do is work on an assignment.

For this assignment, you can use anything to make a short presentation about yourself. You can use:

-Paper, pencil, colored pencils, etc.

-PowerPoint, Word, Paint, other presentation software

This presentation needs to include:

-Your name

-At least 2 hobbies

-At least 1 favorite movie, tv show, book or website

-2 things you want us to know about you

You will have today and part of class on Monday to work on it and then on Tuesday, your partner is going to present it to the class.

First Day of School!

back to school 2

Welcome to 7th Grade World Geography! Today is the first day of school. We are going to go over parts of the school planner as assigned by the office. With remaining class time, we will discuss my Classroom Use Policy and I will show you the different parts of my website.