Week 9

Today is the last day that you will have me in class. I also hope that you have a new comfort level in dealing with technology. Next semester your World Geography class will be taught using more traditional methods.

I’m very impressed with how well the majority of you did this semester. You did a great job of taking the added responsibility that this class was designed to give you. As a reward for all of your hard work I have some video clips that you may watch.

Today I want you to watch some random videos that I enjoy. I appreciate videos that impress me with the thought that is put into them. Go to the C Drive>Osborne>Etc. and you can watch those videos.

The car physics video is a video made by the band OK Go. They play an entire song by using their car as their musical instruments. The physics of their needed speeds and the distance between their “instruments” to get the sounds they get is amazing.

The Rube Goldberg video is another video by OK Go. They got help from MIT students to create this giant Rube Goldberg Machine.

Amazing Football Freestyle is probably the most talented juggler of the soccer ball that I’ve seen.

The Ohio State marching band video was from this past fall. They have an amazing video game tribute. Their formations are really cool. The coolest part is definitely the parts with the horse.

The last video is a cool Christmas light video. This is the first known house to sync their Christmas lights with music.

Have a great Christmas break and good luck next semester.

Week 9

Today is the final full class of the semester. It is a catch up day. You need to work on any assignment that is missing. I will announce missing assignments at the beginning of the hour.

If you still haven’t turned your Movie Maker project in, that should be your #1 priority!

You need to finish all missing work today. If you don’t finish in class, I’m going to stay after school and have my room available to you to work.


If you are all the way finished with your work, this is what you need to do:

1. Go to this link and take the survey. After you finish the survey, your partner also needs to take the survey. The counselors asked me to have students take this survey.

2. Work on the extra credit assignment from yesterday. Since it is extra credit, you don’t need to write your answers in a complete sentence.


Whenever you finish both of those steps, these are your options:

1. Homework from another class.

2. Read a book

3. Class Links or Google Earth

4. Watch a survival video on how to survive if you are lost in a snow environment. You can access it at:  Video (V) Drive>Osborne>Europe>MvsWArcticSweden


Week 9

You need to finish the Mexico and Central America Scavenger Hunt from yesterday. After you finish it, turn it in.

The next assignment is an extra credit assignment that I want you to start working on. It is worth 20 extra credit points! It can be found here: Extra Credit Assignment  You don’t have to write in complete sentences on the extra credit assignment. 

When you finish the extra credit assignment, save it and turn it in.

hr-last name-last name-extracredit

Week 9

Due to snow days, we aren’t going to get to cover very much of Latin America at all. Some of you have already started the first assignment, but most of you have not. You need to download this document and begin working on it. Mexico and CA Scavenger Hunt

**The answer for #8 must be in feet…Not meters**

**#11 Hint: US beat Mexico in the round of 16 at that World Cup**

Whenever you save it, save it as:

hr-last name-last name-MexicoSH

If you finish, turn it in.


Those of you that have missing assignments…I plan on allowing you to work on missing work in class on Thursday. I also will make my classroom available after school today and Thursday. If you come right after school, I will stay and allow you to work. If nobody shows up to my room, then I will be leaving at 3:25. I’m still missing 100 point Movie Maker Projects from some of you.

Week 8

Today we are going to take our 2nd Common Assessment.You can access it at this link.

Your username is your first name, your last name, 373     There are no commas and no spaces. For example, my username would be:  jacobosborne373

Yours should look exactly like that except you will insert your first and last name instead of mine.

Your password is your Mosis #.

I will tell you what the “secret word” for this assignment is whenever I’m ready for you to begin.

After you have taken the test:

1. Work on homework from another class

2. Read a book

3. Study States and Capitals

4. Visit class links or since it’s a test day, I will allow you to visit Cool Math



Week 8

Tomorrow we are taking Common Assessment 2 in the Media Center. 

You need to work on the Common Assessment #2 review. You can access the document here: Test #2 Study Guide

This is one of the rare times that you don’t need to answer your questions on this assignment in complete sentences. If you are able to finish it, don’t turn it in. If there’s a question that you have trouble figuring out, skip it and come back to it later. You will only have about 15 minutes to work on this.


If you are already finished with the Study Guide, have it open on your desktop, but you may go ahead and start working on the next assignment.

We aren’t going to have as much time to learn about Latin America as I would like. You need to download this document and begin working on it. Mexico and CA Scavenger Hunt

Whenever you save it, save it as:

hr-last name-last name-MexicoSH

Week 8

Welcome back, I hope you enjoyed your unexpected 5 day break.

You need to finish your Climographs from last Thursday. If you don’t remember how they work or how you can read them, you need watch the video, go to the Video (V) Drive>Osborne>Computer Tutorials>Climographs

Answer the questions on the first Climograph.Make sure you use a different color font and that you answer using complete sentences. For the 2nd and 3rd Climograph (New York and Sacramento), you need to use the data from this document Climograph Data to create the chart for New York and Sacramento.

Whenever you finish, save it and turn it in.

Save it as:       Hr-Last name-Last name-Climograph


After you finish, you need to work on the Common Assessment #2 review. You can access the document here: Test #2 Study Guide

This is one of the rare times that you don’t need to answer your questions on this assignment in complete sentences. If you are able to finish it, don’t turn it in. If there’s a question that you have trouble figuring out, skip it and come back to it later. We are going to go over this tomorrow.

Week 7

Today you are going to learn about Climographs. Climographs are useful charts because they show you average temperature and precipitation for various places around the world. They are used by many different people. Meteorologists, farmers, and tourists are a few examples of different people who use climographs. I made a video that shows you how they work and how you can read them. To watch the video, go to the Video (V) Drive>Osborne>Computer Tutorials>Climographs

Next watch this video: Go to the Video (V) Drive>Osborne>Computer Tutorials>Copying and Adding Shapes in Word

For your assignment download this document: Climograph Template   Answer the questions on the first Climograph. Make sure you use a different color font and that you answer using complete sentences. For the 2nd and 3rd Climograph (New York and Sacramento), you need to use the data from this document Climograph Data to create the chart for New York and Sacramento.

Whenever you finish, save it and turn it in.

Save it as:       Hr-Last name-Last name-Climograph

Week 7

Today is an early out day. We are going to continue our presentations. We should finish them today.

If you didn’t finish your project, you will need to make arrangements to finish it in Tiger Den. I will give you until next Thursday to turn the project in before you get a ZAP. If you haven’t placed it in the folder by next Thursday, I will have you fill out a ZAP. This part of the project is worth 100 points.

Week 7

I will give you about 15 minutes to get everything in order. We will start presentations at that time.

Whenever you finish your movie/commercial, make sure that you save it the correct way. Re-watch the Movie Maker Tutorial because it shows you how to save it in the correct format whenever you are 100% done with it. Whenever you save it in the video format I want you to save it to Students (I) Drive>Osborne>Your Hour>Islands

After you finish, make sure that you turned in your Landform Vocabulary PowerPoint. If you have that turned in you may:

-Read a book

-Work on homework for another class

-Visit class links