Week 9

If you still need to take the test or you still owe me assignments, you will need to work on those today.

If you have taken your test and you have turned in all of your assignments, congratulations! You are finished with the work from 7th grade World Geography. I hope you enjoyed learning about different countries and cultures from around the world. I also hope that you have a new comfort level in dealing with technology.

I’m very impressed with how well the majority of you did this semester. You did a great job of taking the added responsibility that this class was designed to give you. As a reward for all of your hard work we are going to have a few fun days for our remaining class periods.

Today I want you to watch some random videos that I enjoy. I appreciate videos that impress me with the thought that is put into them. Go to the C Drive>Osborne>Etc. and you can watch those 4 videos.

The car physics video is a video made by the band OK Go. They play an entire song by using their car as their musical instruments. The physics of their needed speeds and the distance between their “instruments” to get the sounds they get is amazing.

The Rube Goldberg video is another video by OK Go. They got help from MIT students to create this giant Rube Goldberg Machine.

The Ohio State marching band video was from this past fall. They have an amazing video game tribute. Their formations are really cool. The coolest part is definitely the parts with the horse.

The last video that I have in there is from 1st semester just ahead of Christmas Break, but may watch it as well. This is the first known house to sync their Christmas lights with music.

After you watch these videos you may watch previous videos from this class, visit class links, or play Cool Math.

As school winds down, I thought it would be fitting to leave you with one of my favorite “Far Side” comics:

Week 9

You can access your final test at this link.

This is the same website you have used for your  common assessment tests.

Your username is your last name, followed by your first name, and then 690. Ex. osbornejacob690

Your password is your Mosis #

I will give you the secret word at the start of class.

Whenever you finish the test, you may visit class links or Cool Math. There is to be no talking for the entire hour!


Week 9

Today is your final day to work on the study guide/study for the test. Tomorrow we will be meeting in the Media Center. In class today you need to:

1. Quiz your partner

2. Play this review game until you earn One Million Dollars.  Don’t use your study guide whenever you do this activity.

3. Play this country and capital review activity.  I had made a different game for you, but it wasn’t working right. Use this link. It will ask you about some other countries that you won’t be tested over, but it’ll still be good practice.

4. Play this Europe map game.  Read the country in the bottom left corner. Click the space on the map that you believe the country should go. Click submit.

5. Play Landform Battleship at this link.   Don’t use your study guide to complete it.

6. Play this Landmark Game. Like #3, I had another link, but it wasn’t working right. It’ll still be good practice.

You must finish steps 1-6 before moving on. If you finish steps 1-5 and you feel like you will earn a good grade on the Final tomorrow you may:

-Read a book

-Do homework from another class

-Visit Class Links

Week 9

If you still have any missing assignments, finish those first. Then you need to continue to work on your study guide. Once you finish your study guide, spend some time studying it. The 100 point test is on Thursday. Whatever score you earn on the test is the score you will receive. I would hate to see anyone hurt their grade because they decided not to study for the final.

Tomorrow I will have some review activities for you that will help you prepare for the test.

Week 9

This is the final full week of school!


Finish the European Landmark assignment from last Thursday and Friday.  When you are finished I want you to copy it from your H drive and paste it to Students I Drive>Osborne>Your Hour>Europe Landmarks folder.


After you finish the Landmark assignment, grab a study guide off of the desk at the front of the room. You and your partner need to work on this. Whenever you finish it, study for the test. The final test is on Thursday! It is worth 100 points! You won’t get to use your partner or your study guides. It will be taken just like a normal test. You may use previous assignments or the internet to help you on it. Whenever you finish it, make sure that you study it. Quiz each other with it. Take it home and have a family member quiz you. If you know the study guide, you will do very well on the test.

Week 8

I didn’t have anyone correctly turn in their assignment from yesterday. Most of you still have a ways to go. Continue to work on it today. One quick reminder for this class, never copy and paste text. That is plagiarism which is the same as cheating and you will receive a zero.

Whenever you finish the assignment, I want you to save the assignment a different way. The file size is quite large so with our network it goes slow turning it in the normal way. When you are finished I want you to copy it from your H drive and paste it to Students I Drive>Osborne>Your Hour>Europe Landmarks folder.



Next Thursday will be your final test for this class. It will be worth 100 points. I made a study guide for you to work on. If you want to go ahead and grab one today you can. They are on the desk at the front of the room. If you don’t grab it today that’s fine too. You will have Monday and Tuesday to work on the study guide in class. You have already taken this test. It’s the exact same test you took during the first week of school in Lab 109.

Week 8

***Announcement*** If you never filled out your schedule for next school year, the Counselor’s Office is giving you one more opportunity. If you need a new sheet, you may grab one off of the desk at the front 0f the room. You need to turn it into the Counselor’s Office by Monday. Monday is the final day they will accept them. If you don’t turn it in, they will pick your schedule for you. *******


Today you are going to work on an assignment that focuses on European Landmarks.

Download the assignment from here:  European Landmarks

Use the internet to find a picture of the landmark and research information about it. On each slide you will need to:

1. Insert a picture of the landmark

2. Insert a textbox and answer what country it is located in.

3. Insert a textbox to answer what it is and why it is special. This one needs to be in complete sentences. 

I did the first one for you as an example. You will have today and tomorrow to work on this assignment.

Whenever you are finished, save it and turn it in.

hr-last name-last name-eurolandmark

Week 8

Today we are going to watch the completed European Commercials that you created. After we watch all of the commercials, you have an assignment.

You need to watch a video lecture that I made a couple of years ago. This video covers how World War I and World War II affected European geography. You can access the video by going to C Drive>Osborne>Europe>WWNotes05-06

While you watch the video, follow the directions on taking notes about the cause of the wars and the inventions. You may either use your own paper or use Word. You won’t be turning this in, but you do have a few questions on the Final Test next week that comes from this lesson. The notes will help you on the study guide.

Week 8

I know this project has been very frustrating. The network problems with the wireless has affected everyone. The tech department has worked hard and things are working much better today.

There are still problems that are coming up whenever students are trying to save their commercials into a video format. This is when you get the messages saying that the video can’t save because of corrupted files. The files aren’t really corrupted. It’s actually from the network. This morning, I discovered a work around for this problem. Whenever you save follow these directions:

1. Make sure you are using the correct save feature. It’s the one at the top right-hand side of the screen.

2. Click the drop down arrow and then select “For Computer”

3. Select Documents to save your project. Do not save it to your H Drive! I know I’ve told you all semester not to save to documents, but for this assignment it’s what works best.

4. After the video saves to documents, open the folder.

5. Right click on your video and select “copy”.

6. Go to the Student I Drive>Osborne>Your Hour>European Commercial

7. Right click inside of this folder and select “paste”

8. After the video saves, test it to make sure that it opens and that it’ll play. If it doesn’t work, let me know.


You will have today and tomorrow to work. Tomorrow is the final day regardless. We have run out of flexible days because we still have some things we need to get to before the end of the school year.

Week 7

A few of you are getting close to being finished. Most of you are not. Because of the testing and this project is taking some of you longer than I anticipated, I will likely give you the rest of the week to finish. The plan now is to start presentations on Monday.

Whenever you are finished, you need to save or copy your Storyboard (PowerPoint) to Students (I) Drive>Osborne>Your Hour>Europe PowerPoint

Whenever you are finished with your commercial, make sure you saved it correctly in Movie Maker. Whenever you are 100% done with your movie, there’s a special way you need to save. Watch the Movie Maker Tutorial Video again if you don’t remember how. Save it to Students (I) Drive>Osborne>Your Hour>European Travel Commercial

After you have it saved, test it to make sure you saved it properly. Go to the I drive and open your hour’s European Travel Commercial Folder. Double click on your video. It should pop up on your screen as a video where you just have to press play. If it opens up movie maker and you can see all of your slides on the screen, you didn’t save it properly.