Week 1

Extra Credit Opportunity! I had several students not prepare for the states and capitals test like they should have. This extra credit opportunity won’t make up for your poor test grade, but it will help it some. It doesn’t matter if you received an A or an F, you are allowed to do the extra credit opportunity.

Your assignment is:

1. On a blank sheet of paper number 1-50.

2. List the 50 states

3. Next to each state write the capital

4. Next to each capital write the postal abbreviation for that state

You won’t receive any class time to do this. This is due on Thursday. If you do this assignment you will receive 10 extra credit points. It must be CORRECTLY and COMPLETELY finished to get the extra credit points.


This week will be researching a specific state and then we’ll create a PowerPoint presentation. I’m going to show you the “Do’s and Don’ts of PowerPoint”.

We’ve used PowerPoint before, but if you don’t remember how to use it you can watch a short video that shows you the basics. Go to the Video (V) Drive. Open the Osborne folder. Click on the “Computer Tutorials” folder. Open the “PowerPoint Basics” video.

You are going to research a state and create a PowerPoint about it. Here are your directions: US States Project

You may use the internet to find information and pictures about your state. Below are a couple of resources that will guide you to the information you need.

Here’s a link that might give you some information about your state. 

If you want to see the “Do’s and Don’ts PowerPoint” you can access it here: PowerPoint Do’s and Don’ts

You will have 3 full classes to work on this assignment. I’m hoping/planning on starting presentations sometime Friday.

Save it as:

hr-last name-last name-the name of your state

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