Week 9

Today you need to finish yesterday’s Scavenger Hunt assignment. Turn it in whenever you are done.

After you turn it in, you may:

-Study for your states and capitals test. It is this Friday! On the test you will have 3 sections:

1. Match the state to the capital (20 questions)

2. Match the state with the postal abbreviation (10 questions)

3. Identify states on a map (20 questions)

Practice Activities for the test:

You can do the quia.com practice quiz as many times as you want.

Your username is your first name, your last name, 32     There are no commas and no spaces. For example, my username would be:  jacobosborne32

Yours should look exactly like that except you will insert your first and last name instead of mine.

Your password is your Mosis #.

The practice quiz you took can be accessed here. The “secret word” is:  practice

You can access a new practice quiz here. The “secret word” is:  practice2

You can practice identifying states on a map at this link.

After you feel confident in getting a good grade on the test you may:

-Work on homework from another class

-Read a book

-Visit class links