Week 8


The first thing I want you to do today is Check Infinite Campus to make sure that you have a grade for every assignment for this class. If there are any assignments that you don’t have a grade, that means I never received it from you. You aren’t allowed to make up any 1st quarter assignments. If there is any work that doesn’t get turned in by the end of this week, it will be a zero. If you have a grade for every assignment, that means all of your work for this class is complete.

The most recent assignments are:

  1. US Movie/TV Show Assignment
  2. Latin America Map
  3. Latin America Scavenger Hunt

I still have some students that are missing their Island Projects too!

If Everything’s turned in

As a reward for that, today we are going to watch a video about surviving in harsh, snow conditions in Sweden. You can access the video at Video (V) Drive>Osborne>Europe>MvsWArcticSweden

12 Days of Christmas

Today’s video is another OK GO video. In this video, all of their music, except for the ukulele, is created by their car and the obstacle course. The math and calculations that had to have been involved are amazing. Video (V) Drive>Osborne>Christmas>Car Physics