Week 1

US PowerPoint Project

Continue working on your projects. Remember you want to use as few words as possible on your actual PowerPoint. You can make notes to use during your presentation.

There is a Tutorial Video that you can watch that will show you how to do same basic picture editing. You can find it at: Video (V) Drive>Osborne>Computer Tutorials>Editing Pictures


  1. Don’t use complete sentences in the PowerPoint. Remember you are going to be presenting these to the class, so you can tell us information that isn’t included on your slides
  2. You may take a notes page with you whenever you present. When you finish your PowerPoint, make sure your notes page is ready too.
  3. Whenever you think you’re finished, double check the Scoring Guide that was posted yesterday. Make sure you have followed directions on each part of your PowerPoint.
  4. Make sure your interesting/important facts are actually interesting/important. If you don’t think they are, chances are I won’t either.