Week 8

Today you are going to take your test over Africa. You will not be allowed to use the internet, previous assignments, or your study guide. You and your partner may discuss the answers, but you must whisper. If you are too loud, both you and your partner will take the test separately.

You can access the test here. 

This is the same website you have used for your common assessment tests.

Your username is your first name, followed by your last name, and then 318. Ex. jacobosborne318

Your password is your Mosis #.

The “secret word” for this assignment will be given to you.

Whenever you finish the test today:

Finish and turn in your Africa map if you didn’t finish on Friday.

After you turn your Africa map in you may:

-work on homework from another class

-read a book

-visit class links (Since it is a test day, I will allow you to visit cool math if you have everything done (That’s only for today though))