Week 6

Continue working on your Europe Commercial project. Today you need to continue working on your rough drafts.

A few reminders from yesterday:

-Remember that this is supposed to be a travel commercial. Select information about your country that a tourist would want to know and information that would make a tourist want to come to your country.

-Do everything in order that the project shows you. Everything builds on each other. Don’t go out of order!

After you finish your rough draft and finding all of your pictures on the internet and saving them to your H drive, you are ready for step #2. You can get a plain, white sheet of paper off of the desk at the front of the room (next to the book shelf). You can also borrow colored pencils if you need them. You may sharpen them in the pencil sharpener.

Even though I’m not here today, the substitute teacher is aware of the work points. If you are off task, she will leave your name and you will lose points on the project. Make sure you stay on task.